Your start of those 2 blankets looks great, love the colours.I used those kind of homemade i-cords a lot when I was a kid. in fact, I still have some somewhere...I think I will go and look for them today.
Looks like you really love to swatch and square!
De där i-cordmaskinerna är ju för härliga! På dem kan man göra smyckeband av metalltråd också om du skulle få lust för nåt sånt.;)
i like the frames on these pictures, where did you find them?
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Your start of those 2 blankets looks great, love the colours.
I used those kind of homemade i-cords a lot when I was a kid. in fact, I still have some somewhere...I think I will go and look for them today.
Looks like you really love to swatch and square!
De där i-cordmaskinerna är ju för härliga! På dem kan man göra smyckeband av metalltråd också om du skulle få lust för nåt sånt.;)
i like the frames on these pictures, where did you find them?
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