Got this little cloth ready yesterday. My mum is crochetting a bigger, but I did just try the pattern and did'nt have patience to crochet more :) Found a place for it on my table beside the computer.
And here you can see my computercorner how it was last evening.....
And the way it is today :D I have been dreaming of a white old table for a while. Then remembered that hubby once got a table that we put on dads loft, coz' we did'nt need it then. So had a look there, and it's perfect!!!!! Just like the one I was dreaming of..sometimes I can have luck too..woohooo..
I'm so happy with how my new computercorner turned out ;)
We have things in black iron...did use to buy it when we collected black things a few years ago. But now when I like white I decided to paint these shelf holders white. After three times of painting they turned out great and now look like this...
Maybe I can paint some other things too..lol :D
Så fint det ble i kroken din! Vi har også malt noen bord hvite, og har noen flere møbler som skal males også etterhvert. Må bare få litt arbeidslyst først, hehe... :)
Datakroken din ble kjempefin:) Virkelig en koselig krok!!
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