Saturday, October 13, 2007

Yesterday we got the first snow. It was cold and wet outside but I'm glad it did'nt stay yet and today we have a lovely sunny day :)
I do like the winter yes, but just not want the autumn to last a bit longer ;)

And here's a pic of little E from last evening. We had fun together.
There is much a mum can do while knitting :D


Anonymous said...


I'm a french artist.

How are you?


{ThE fReNcH tOuCh}

Nina said...

Uff og uff, vil ikke ha snø allered, nei:)
Takk for hyggelige kommentarer på bloggen min, både den på "snakkebrette" og den flotte om fisketeppet. Klem
Bra den gikk bort igjen. Ønsker deg en fin tordag!