Noticed that I do like yellow and orange although I don't use them so often. ( orange was my favouritecolour when I was a kid)
So when I went to the yarnshop today coz' I ONLY needed ONE ball of beige alpakka I saw these other new colours they had.. .. so just had to get them too..I know.. I know :P
But I can say I deserve them.. just a little treat coz' I'm not well. I broke my back yesterday at work and went to the doctor today.
Got medicine and painkillers.
I'm not feeling too good, have problems to sit and walk.. Have the rest of this week off from work.
So why not get a little yarn to feel better.
And the Teetee Kamena yarn I bought from my blog friend Kaisa :) Looks like it also suits my new colourinspiration.
Stitchy Fingers asked me for the loom's size ..it's about 35 x 40 cm.
Mye fint å se i bloggen din. Gidder ikke lese så mye da, siden det står på engelsk. Men ser flott ut.
Kävin vastavierailulla =)
Alltid gøy med nytt garn ja! Og ditt var jo kjempefint og passe høstinspirert. Du må ha god bedring, håper ryggen blir bedre snart! :)
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