Wednesday, March 16, 2011


At the moment I have'nt got much time for crafting, and when I have it's often just for short times so that's why I have done only simple things lately. Like kitchen clotchs.
Here crochet with Novita bambu.

And a cover for this chair we use to have in our laundry room. Now it looks colourful and nice to have there.


Roses & Angels said...

Å så fint du gjort till pallen =) KRAM

Fiff said...

Hej! Trevligt att jag hittade hit :-) Fin blogg du har, här finns mycket att titta på! Jag har lagt mig som följare. På återseende!

Anna said...

vilket fint överdrag till pallen :) blev jättefin :)

Unknown said...

Love this cover it's beautiful