Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Yes..can't get into any craftings..just don't know what's the matter. Better give it time I guess ;)
And meaybe a clean craftroom would give me more motivation and inspiration..hmmmm.. after trying to start sewing it looks like this. But lot's of it is from earlier...
Think I need a week to get all organised + new furnitures!!!

1 comment:

Käranån said...

Vet inte om det är du man ska ta kontakt med, men jag försökte registrera mig på Tilda-forum o vet inte om jag lyckades...hoppas du kan hjälpa mig om jag gjort nåt fel.
P.s. du får nog inspiration snart att sticka o sy, inte orkar man göra nåt heeela tiden heller!