This heartshaped bowl I bought when we where to Stockholm.
Yesterday we bought new lamps. They are'nt yet installed, but we had to try and see how they look like ;)
This one is in the kitchen.
Bought five smaller ones that comes in our hallway, but going to take a pic of them some other time.
Went to Ikea to buy some simple boxes where I can put Little E's small babyclothes in and also found these lovely white baskets :)
They look lovely with magazines and other things in. Might get some more of them next time.
They look lovely with magazines and other things in. Might get some more of them next time.
The shawl is almost ready. Have'nt been in knitting mood :( Still sick with the cold and have been home from work.
But what did chear me up so much was when my very good friend and her family did visit us yesterday. Saw her last time a few years ago. And her little boy I have only seen on photos. He is now 1 year. He was so cute!! And what a lovely smile.
Going to miss them all, but was so, so nice that they had time to visit us :D
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Your friend's son is adorable, and I love all of the new things you are purchasing for your house.
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